Key Request Properties

In the Taxify APIs, there are certain key properties for each request JSON call:

: A unique identifier of the transaction, i.e., invoice number. Please provide a configurable "prefix" to prevent overlap with other data sources which may be integrated to a Taxify account.

: This should be set to "true" to indicate a complete transaction which should be included on state tax returns.

: The total price for the item to be charged to the customer (quantity * unit price). If any item level discounts are applied, they should be included in the ActualExtendedPrice.

: A quantity is required for each line, 0 quantity rows will be ignored, set to 1 if not available.


(blank): Taxify will assume the item is generally taxable "tangible goods" unless otherwise configured (by ItemKey) in Taxify.

NON: A generally non-taxable item or service.

FR: Shipping - It is important to identify shipping charged using this tax code, as taxability of shipping differs state to state.

[custom] - Taxify can also handle hundreds of special taxability codes, however, often we recommend special taxability be managed in Taxify.


(blank): Used for a default, retail transaction.

RESALE: Used for a reseller/wholesale transaction - sales tax will not be charged (in general), but transaction may be reported (varies by state).


Most fields are optional. (state code) or (zip) are required. The more information that is provided, the higher the accuracy of tax jurisdiction determination/calculation.

Note: if all fields are left blank except , Taxify will attempt to parse a complete/valid address.